whole body. whole mind. whole soul. whole food.
“Nutrition is the master key to human health.”
- T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Transitioning to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle can be a difficult journey to take alone. At Whole Abundance, we provide the information and support you need at each step along the way.
Reasons to Go Plant-Based
The benefits of a whole-food, plant-based way of eating include
Dramatic weight loss
Reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, diabetes, and cognitive decline
More energy, alertness, mental clarity and focus
Glowing and tighter skin, smaller wrinkles, fuller hair, disappearance of dark eye circles​
Smaller environmental footprint
As university professors and holistic health and nutrition coaches, we experience joy when those we lead are successful. With our guidance and support, you will realize your potential to heal yourself as you nourish your mind, body, and soul. No matter your goals, habits are best formed while working as part of a team. Through our shared passion for a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, supported by evidence-based information and resources, we will work alongside you, providing you the support you need, and helping you build your team as you realize your power to live as your best self. We would be honored to guide you through a journey of transformation to a life filled with whole abundance.
Not too long ago, while discussing with my cardiologist the results of some blood work, I was in a state of panic. In my desperation for reassurance, I remember him asking almost apologetically, “Would you ever consider a whole food, plant-based way of eating? It has been shown to help.” In that moment, my life changed forever. Read more...
For most of my life I ate the standard American diet, and I had always struggled with food and my weight. I went on my first diet when I was nine. For decades, bouts of binge eating and weight gain were followed by bouts of restriction and deprivation and weight loss. The cycle was exhausting and demoralizing. Read more...
If you are interested in virtual or face-to-face individual coaching, we are available to meet for one-on-one whole-food, plant-based coaching sessions. The cost for a private session is $30 for a half-hour and $60 for one hour. Members who sign up for individual coaching will also be invited to join our members-only Facebook group.
Are you an employer seeking to provide employees with workshops, multi-day or week programs, or informative lectures on the benefits of a WFPB lifestyle and what it takes to make the transition? A corporate consult might be for you! Contact us at support@wholeabundance.com and start realizing the broad benefits of a healthy and happy workforce!